A better world to leave behind is possible. Imagine being able to make a difference in someone’s life, not only today, but also after you leave this world. A bequest in your will is a powerful and lasting way to imprint a mark of goodness and hope. Allocating a portion of your estate to an association that donates prosthetics to amputees in Africa transforms people’s lives in wonderful ways. Making the decision to make a bequest or legacy is a gesture of great responsibility and love. We assure you that every donation will be used with the utmost transparency and dedication, to support our projects and ensure that your commitment leaves a permanent imprint over time.

Would you like to receive SwissABILITY’s brochure on Bequests & Legacies ?

Our free guide explains everything you need to consider when writing a will and provides practical guidance on how to proceed. You can download it below or request a printed copy at


Is it necessary to go to a public notary to draft a will?

It is not mandatory. The need for a notary public depends on the type of will you choose. For example, a holographic will can be written by anyone capable of doing so independently. However, if you prefer or require a public will, you will need to contact a public notary.

What is important to include in a holographic will?

For a holographic will to be valid in Switzerland, it must meet some basic requirements:

  1. Drafting entirely by hand: The will must be handwritten by the testator, without the use of typewriters or computers.
  2. Date: Must include the complete date (day, month and year) on which it is written.
  3. Signature: Must be signed by the testator, preferably at the end of the document, with first and last name.
  4. Clear Expression of Will: Must indicate clearly the provisions of the testator regarding the division of the estate or other wishes related to the succession.
  5. Legal capacity: The testator must be of legal age and in full capacity at the time of writing.
  6. Consistency: The content must not violate the legal minimum shares reserved for the heirs-at-law, as stipulated in Swiss inheritance law.

Here you can find an example of a holographic will (in Italian).

What happens if a will is not drawn up?

If no will is drawn up or a contract of inheritance concluded, the law will determine who inherits the estate and to what extent. In the absence of legitimate heirs, the property will be turned over to the state.

How can you draft a will if you are no longer able to write it by hand?

In this case, he may choose to make a public will, drawn up by a notary public. It will be necessary to sign it in the presence of two witnesses, who will attest that the document expresses his last wishes.

Is inheritance tax deducted from my bequest or estate to SwissABILITY?

No, SwissABILITY is a recognized charitable organization and, as such, is exempt from inheritance tax. Your donations and bequest will flow directly into our projects.




Estate planning, precautionary mandate, and patient directives

Saturday, October 26, 2024, from 2 to 6 p.m
Hotel Lugano Dante, Piazza Cioccaro 5, Lugano

Do you happen to be thinking about estate planning for the benefit of your descendants and don’t know how to go about it? You are right: it is not something you like to think about. But it is worth investing a few hours in this topic. This will help you avoid misunderstandings and disputes among your relatives and relieve them of difficult decisions.

On Saturday, October 26, 2024, at 2 p.m., at the Hotel Lugano Dante (Piazza Cioccaro 5, Lugano), attorney Marco Lucheschi, a specialist in inheritance law, will show you what is important when drafting a will. The important topics of the precautionary mandate and patient directives will also be addressed. Our speaker has many years of experience in estate planning and advising heirs. Marco Lucheschi will answer your questions in a neutral, non-binding and practical manner, encouraging you to make your own decisions.

To reaffirm solidarity among humanitarian organizations and keep costs as low as possible, the event was organized in collaboration with Soccorso d’Inverno Ticino and SOS Villaggi dei bambini.


2:00 p.m.: Arrival of guests
2:30 p.m.: Lecture on inheritance law
Speaker: attorney Marco Lucheschi
Moderator: Marco Bazzi
3.30 pm.: Coffee break
3.45 pm.: Response to participants’ questions
4.45 pm.: Snack offered

We would be pleased to welcome you to this informative event. Please register with any accompanying persons by sending the following completed form to .