The countries where we provide people ABILITY


Re-Ability Benin

Supply of materials and components for the manufacture of prostheses in Benin

An orthopedic centre for war survivors in Sierra Leone

Construction of an orthopedic centre

A concrete support to the rehabilitation system in Uganda

Dispatch of a container with orthopedic materials and national training of orthopedic professionals

A concrete support to the rehabilitation system in Tanzania

Dispatch of a container with orthopedic materials and national training of orthopedic professionals

Orthopedic training in Eldoret

Training in innovative low-cost technologies for rehabilitation professionals

Keep walking together: “Nkolo Orthopaedics Rehabilitation Center”

Construction of a new rehabilitation centre

Orthopedic training program in Mozambique

Training in innovative low-cost technologies for rehabilitation professionals

Support to Nkolo Orthopaedics Rehabilitation Services

Donation of orthopedic materials and training for professionals

Malawi 2023 | SwissABILITY

Re-Ability Malawi

Supply of materials and components for the manufacture of prostheses in Malawi

Orthopedic training program in Sierra Leone

Training in innovative low-cost technologies for rehabilitation professionals