We provide comprehensive support to people with disabilities
and aim to offer people the opportunity to live a dignified life
in Africa and beyond.
To enable as many people as possible in the Global South, to regain mobility and lead a dignified and self-sufficient life.
Our mission is to provide ABILITY to people in the Global South through physical rehabilitation, the creation of infrastructure and provision to ensure that everyone can live a self-sufficient life.
Our commitment is to bring ABILITY in three vital sectors of the person and his environment:

physical rehabilitation

We bring rehabilitation services, orthopedic trainings and prosthetic solutions – offering artificial legs and arms as well as assistive devices – to people who have lost mobility. Beyond restoring a person’s mobility, we also provide them with the tools and means to practise a productive lifestyle.



Win a Vespa!
Support SwissABILITY, by purchasing a raffle ticket to win a beautiful restored vintage Vespa! All proceeds from this fund-raiser goes directly to amputees in Africa.
Legacies that matter.
In collaboration with members from two other Ticino based associations, we learned how to make a lasting effect on the world, with our last will and testimony.
Newsletter October 2024
We were in Tanzania, were we are determined to return and continue giving amputees without a prosthesis new mobility and with it, a new perspective.
Construction of an orthopedic centre and training for professionals in the Casamance region
Supply of machinery, materials and training for a new orthopedic centre in Walewale
Providing children with severe disabilities with a life of dignity and free of social stigma