On December 3rd, it’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities. On this occasion, SwissABILITY, in partnership with MPOW (Mwanza Prosthetics & Orthotics Workshop) in Tanzania, has decided to launch a campaign to donate prostheses to the most needy and vulnerable individuals in the region.

SwissABILITY aims to support this initiative by providing the centre with materials for the production of 50 “Monolimb” prostheses, which will be given to amputees who cannot afford the costs of an artificial leg.

For this initiative we need everyone, and even a small donation can make a difference. To help spread 50 drops of hope among the neediest people in Tanzania you can click on the following link, easily donating via card or via Twint in just a few steps.

Drop by drop, until it overflows into an ocean of trust and optimism.