by Nicole Rossi | Mar 9, 2023 | Missions
The SwissABILITY adventure continues, from Senegal to The Gambia, for new rehabilitation projects! From 20 to 28 February 2023, Executive Director Roberto Agosta travelled to these two countries to conduct a fruitful exploratory mission. The aim of the mission was Nicole Rossi | Jan 16, 2023 | Missions
The SwissABILITY year started immediately with an explorative mission to Haiti, a new country, for a new future project.  From 2 to 7 January 2023, SwissABILITY Executive Director Roberto Agosta travelled to the northern region of Haiti, Cap Haïtien, with Nicole Rossi | Dec 22, 2022 | Missions
SwissAbility’s first mission was a true adventure. From 18th December to 4th December all 3 staff members explored various operating locations and facilitated 5 days of training in Mozambique. During the 3 weeks they were in the country, the team made up of Roberto,...BLEIBE AUF DEM LAUFENDEN
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Physische Rehabilitation, Schaffung von Infrastruktur und Bereitstellung von Mitteln zur Selbstversorgung
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Physical rehabilitation, creation of infrastructures and opportunities of self-sufficiency
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Riabilitazione fisica, creazione di infrastrutture e offerta di mezzi di autosostentamento
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I nostri partner in Svizzera e in tutto il mondo